Dear Ibushi-senshu,
I am very new to wrestling. I wasn't around for most of my favorite stories. I missed all of Steen and Generico in Ring of Honor, I missed you and Kenny in DDT. It feels like a miracle that I'm here now, and that wrestling means so much to me. It has become my favorite art form.
You're about to compete in the G1 final and I feel compelled to tell you that I am utterly moved and compelled by your storytelling. By your sense of fun and danger, and your incredible commitment to this art form I love so, so much. You seem to have my favorite kind of madness--a madness dedicated to pursuing your quest, regardless of what society or anyone says about it.
The way you move is like magic. It's like superheroes. As a child, I wanted so badly for the X-Men and others to be real, and you're closer than I ever thought I'd see. It's not just the physical motions--many people can do a moonsault, after all. It's the way every line and curve of your body seems to communicate emotion and story. Normally, only storybook characters can do that.
You seem to make sense of movement and force the way I make sense of language--like it's innate.
Like it's my breath.
It's not innate, it's incredibly hard work, and to me that makes the beauty that results even more meaningful.
I find trying to communicate how much your matches affect me, and why, nearly impossible. I almost think that if it could be said with words, you'd be a writer.
In honor of you, your story and Kenny's, I had this tattoo done recently. It is my first wrestling tattoo. I hope it communicates better than my poor words.
With my fervent best wishes,
Autumn Dalzell