Thursday, May 24, 2018

Who Is Wrestling For, Exactly?

Dear Wrestling,

One would hope I'd be done with this by now, but apparently I need to work out my feelings about Sami Zayn.

I've spent so many hours questioning what on earth he was thinking. I can't know. Not only that, but the company he works for seems to be very, very strict about never allowing the performers to express opinions about the work they do. No unions, no healthcare, and no humanity, ultimately--at least as far as being able to say, "Yeah, I wasn't comfortable with that, but did it for these reasons."

What it comes down to, for me, is this: Months ago, when I spent all those hours and hours waiting outside arenas to give him a letter? This was in that letter:

"I always say that when I find an artist I trust, I’ll follow them down any dark metaphorical alley they want to explore. You are one of those artists. Look, I’m a fat, weird, queer person: there’s always going to be wide swaths of wrestling that want nothing to do with me. But somehow your work makes me feel included and safe. You follow the news: I’m certain you know exactly how rare it is to feel safe in this world." I don't feel safe with him and his work anymore. I keep trying to avoid it with anger and activity, but I am devastated. I am heartbroken. Wrestling sells itself as escapism, and that seems to be less and less true all the time. I still love you, Wrestling, but seriously: get your fucking shit together. Autumn

The Devil on My Back

Dear Wrestling, It turns out I probably have ADD. It's nice to have an explanation for why I can't seem to update things like this...