Dear Wrestling,
I've been meaning to tell you about this all week, because it's honestly the exact antidote/opposite to that bullshit on RAW. And bless his heart, Jake Manning wins me over more every time I see him. It doesn't hurt that he compliments my tee shirts...
So I'm missing parts of this story--specifically, the history between White Mike and Effy. Where I came into it was at PWX's rumble a month or two ago: they were both in the ring, and Effy started arguing with Mike, who seemed to be apologizing. He ended up kissing Effy, shouting, "That's right, I'm about that life!", who then slapped the hell out of him.
Mike, of course, had been teaming with Jake: accidents happened, Mike said sorry (HE SAID SORRY we chanted, so much), but Jake decided that he needed to teach Mike a lesson. We the crowd disagreed with this premise, and so Jake has decided that all fun at PWX needs to be destroyed, so next target, Effy.
(NB: If I knew which matches, or even just which promotions, to hunt down the rest of the story, I happily would--I certainly enjoy what I've seen) (Also I may well be wrong about any portion of this: if so, I'm very sorry and would love correction)
So this last Sunday, Jake and Effy had an absolutely delightful match. I highly recommend it, and hey, look at me, doing your homework for you! (It starts at 28:15, but also watch the whole show.) (Seriously, it's really really good.)
There's so much I love about this match--I'll be cackling to myself about page 37 for days--but the thing that has been helping this week, the thing that has been my refuge, is that sequence of angry, attacking kisses.
It was so unexpected, for me, from Jake in particular. At the same time, it was a totally logical place for the story to go, from what I know of it. The mix of love and anger and jealousy is perfect for a bit like this.
Obviously it's the contrast with Sami's Incomprehensible Choices on Monday, that's what has raised this moment from excellent to a source of actual comfort. Unsurprisingly, given that a proud gay man was involved, LGBTQ people weren't the punchline of this joke.
Instead, heteronormativity was literally pushed aside, here embodied by Amy Rose, bless her. Maybe even better, for someone who grew up in Charlotte, was the fact that the audience loved it. I jumped to my feet, and I don't think I was the only one.
The acceptance and love I've felt at PWX is genuinely incredible to me. As in, I almost can't believe it. I've written before about how seeing this reaction to Effy, in this area, is so meaningful to me. It means more than I could say in a thousand posts, and it's things like SIC on Monday that keep me needing that validation.
We're not there yet, god knows. I'm not out as trans at work because I live in a state where I could be fired for it with likely no consequences. Remember the Bathroom Bill? Yeah.
But growing up here, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that we'd be where we are by the time I was 40. Marriage equality, soldiers getting to be out, pride celebrations all over the country, me being able to be out, at all, to anyone--including myself, to be honest.
Each time something like this happens at PWX, it reaffirms for me how far we've come, regardless of the road ahead.
Even when one of my favorites is caught pushing a car backwards down that road...
Love you,
The Devil on My Back
Dear Wrestling, It turns out I probably have ADD. It's nice to have an explanation for why I can't seem to update things like this...
Dear Wrestling, I want to be a little clearer about why it's so important to me to save the letters and other writings Kevin Owens has ...
Dear Wrestling, You ever have your therapist explain something as being good for you, necessary, so it doesn't matter if you believe it ...
Dear Wrestling, Today instead of the normal letter from me to your incorporeal excellence, I have a treat! A guest post by the wise an...
Dear Wrestling, First of all, you know how I'm a big trash heap monster person? Right, so...I left Starrcade at intermission. You see, I...
Dear Wrestling, It turns out I probably have ADD. It's nice to have an explanation for why I can't seem to update things like this...